Friday 12 July 2013

Precedent Study (model)

Individual presentation board 

Final model of the Pantheon:

 Learning Outcomes:

  1. Exposure to new materials in model making. 
  2. Ability to appreciate a building's history as well as understand its interior & exterior architecture.
  3. Successful development of model making skills.

Precedent Study (Pantheon, Rome)

Learning Outcomes :

  1. Understanding the history of the Roman Pantheon.
  2. Ability to recognize and recall appropriate architectural vocabulary when referring to building types, styles and periods.
  3. Ability to relate history with architectural context.

Integrated Material Solution

Amorphous metals

  • good electric conductivity
  • good heat resistance
  • non-crystalline 
  • glass-like structure
  • 3 times stronger than steel to support the building
Transparent Alumina 
  • transparent polycrystalline ceramic with a crystal-like structure
  • four times harder than silica glass
  • good corrosion resistance
  • good resistance towards damage from radiation and oxidation
Lightweight Steel Truss
  • good corrosion resistance
  • lightweight
  • good fire resistance
Lightweight concrete (flooring)
  • durable
  • good sound absorption
  • lightweight
  • good fire resistance

Materiality of SPACE

Final presentation board 1

Final presentation board 2

Mood board 

Individual board 

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Ability to identify different building materials used.
  2. Further understanding on application and usage of specific building materials.
  3. Successfully conveyed Kelantan Delight's design on a mood board.

Exercise - My Home My SPACE

Learning Outcomes:
  1. Ability to identify different types of building materials used in everyday life.
  2. Exposure to new building materials used in the industry.
  3. Understanding of building materials and its properties. 

My City Dreamspace

Final presentation board 1
Final presentation board 2

 Study model (scale 1:50)

Final model (scale 1:50)

Study models

The grafting technique used in this design is of a modular geometric form to respond to the existing buildings on the site in the city of Tron. The building design begins with a high intensity of small modular arrangements to create small, dark, opaque spaces which gradually loosens up the modular intensity to create bigger, open spaces filled with light. The transition from dark to light represents the transition of my character from his dark and secretive nature to the necessity to be more open before he faces society again. 

ME in Space

Final Model - Déjà vu (scale 1:1)

First individual model

Study model 

"When we remember a moment, we never really remember them in videos but instead snapshots of that particular moment."

Our model was made with frame-like shapes to symbolise the statement above. Dejavu, an overwhelming sense of familiarity with something that shouldn't be familiar at all is represented in our model by having two similar shapes which appear to be of the same size, but is not (what things appear to be) far apart from one another only connected by a small frame (what things actually are). We started of with wave-like prototypes as we felt it best portrayed rhythm in architecture. 

Learning Outcomes
  1. Ability to understand basic design principles in form and space.
  2. Ability to understand human scales and proportion.

Thursday 11 July 2013

Representing ME

A gardener by trade, 
A simple hobbit of plain speech;
Unwilling and unprepared for adventure;
Armed only with a gold heart on your sleeve.

But when all hope is on fire,
When you know your heart's desire,
That’s when people start to question why.
Are we but a pair of wandering souls?
Are we cursed?
But you
You stifle the flame
And refuse to let a heart grow cold.

Some call you a comate
but I call you, a hero. 
To never get used to the unspeakable violence, 
And the face of death,
To seek joy in the saddest places. 
He will call me by my name,
He will share my load.

Maybe it’s the fighter in me 
To find a gem from something so simple.
Like a sparrow in an oil spill,
Feathers inky, black and sticky, 
but the glow in your eyes,
have never been brighter. 
You rinse off your mistakes and fly
Choosing to go nowhere but forward. 
You rinse off your mistakes and fly,
Because there is so much good in this world
And you feel it is most definitely worth fighting for.

The poem was based on Sam the Wise (fictional character in J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium) as his character best portrayed myself and the things I strived for. Dressed in old baggy clothes and a cape, I recited this poem to my class. 

"You stifle the flame,
and refuse to let a heart grow cold."

The stanza above touches on the importance of friendship in my life as I would always go the extra mile in helping a loved one through tough times. An example from the movie was when Sam offered to bear the weight of the ring for his friend, Frodo. 

"He will call you by name, 
He will share your load."

The stanza above touches on the importance of loyalty in my life as trust to me, is one of the greatest gifts a person can give another. This is can seen be throughout the whole trilogy of the movie, when Sam first agreed to accompany Frodo in their adventure to Mordor.

Learning Outcomes:
  1. Ability to express one's self in a creative manner.
  2. Ability to express one's self in front of a live audience.


One & two-point perspective views of the Barcelona Pavilion.

Learning Outcomes:
  1. Successfully created illusions of real, three-dimensional objects on a two dimensional medium.
  2. Understood the building more deeply.
  3. Ability to communicate well through drawings.

Axonometric Projection

Axonometric projection of the Barcelona Pavilion

Learning Outcomes:
  1. Usage of axonometric projection for illustration purposes.
  2. Ability to express spatial ideas in three-dimension.
  3. Ability to explode different parts of a building to analyse its main aspects.  

Orthographic Projections

Floor plan, elevations, site plan and sections of the Barcelona Pavilion.

Learning Outcomes:
  1. Represented three-dimensional objects in two dimensions.
  2. Use of line weights to emphasise on important details.
  3. Ability to convert drafts into inked form.
  4. Realised the importance of accuracy and measurement in architecture. 

4 Tonal Values





Learning Outcomes:
  1. Designed lighting arrangements that complimented an object's value pattern.
  2. Introduced a strong value of contrasts.
  3. Successfully produced three-dimensional drawings with the use of different techniques.