Saturday 19 July 2014

Building Construction 2

Project 1 - Skeletal Tower

A group of 5 of us were required to construct a tower with a height more than 30cm using popsicle sticks (not more than 100) as our main component with the aid of connectors like toothpicks, skewers and threads. Based on the given requirements, a number of experiments were conducted for the structure before concluding its final design. 

Mock-up model

Final model

The weighing process was recorded, the video can be found here
More photos regarding the project can be found here 

Project 2 - Understanding Forces in Solid Structure and Surface Structure 

Chosen building : Haesley's Nine Bridges Gold Club House by Shigeru Ban

Progress Report can be found here 

Final Product 

Friday 18 July 2014

Architectural Design Studio 3

The Labrador Park Visitor Interpretation Centre is a project for Labrador Park (Singapore) a site is rich in history, dating back to the 19th century. The building is based on manipulating the concept of beauty in age for environmental, contextual and emotional concerns in order to make a building which is low tech, low cost and full of experience. The first manipulation is to place the building in higher, more secluded area. This allows the public to journey over to the building and experience the park in a different height than existing buildings located on site, obtaining an overview of the whole area before entering the building. The second series of manipulations are based around collecting the cool Singaporean wind into the building, spatial poetics and orientating the building so that it takes advantage of the sun. With galleries that bring people back to the roots of the historical site as well as facilities complimenting the public’s needs, the building becomes a result of a series of spatial experiences making a piece of architecture which is ingrained in the site and promotes the notion of low tech sustainability.

Final boards

Thursday 17 July 2014

Computer Applications

Interior Renderings

Final Animation Video HERE

Building Science

Project 1: Case Study - Identifying Innovative Passive Design Strategies

In this project, we selected two buildings; one situated in Kuala Lumpur (1 First Avenue), another in Singapore (Marina Barrage). Design Strategies and details for both buildings were analyzed and recorded in the form of reports. The recorded information is as shown below: