Friday 12 December 2014

Architecture Design Studio 4

Project 1 - Green Info Shelter : Exploring environmental poetics

For this assignment, we are to design a green info shelter to make use of the existing empty space located beside SYOPS in Taylor's University. After thorough site analysis, we decided on designing an origami inspired shelter which serves not only as shade but also as a tool in sparking the creativity of students. This shelter was designed to contrast with the existing structures of Taylor's University, bringing something new and fresh to the table.

Presentation Board:

Project 2 - Nature Appreciation Center

Consisting of 6 functional spaces, Belum Rainforest’s Nature Appreciation Center is located on a slopped site overlooking the seas of Pulau Banding. The design of the center is perched above descending countours, creating the illusion of a protective shard over the existing buildings - which are used as a souvenir stall and a performance hall in the program. The functional spaces are
designed to take visitors on a journey through nature, highlighting the role of human beings in transforming the environment This is done through the concept of exposure, where architecture serves as a medium to promote the appreciation of nature

Staying true to the intention of creating an ambiance that compliments nature, visitors will get to experience a breathtaking view of the site as they arrive at the lobby through a timber walkway. Despite its small size, the dense amount of vegetation around ensures the visual pleasure of the visitors. In terms of ventilation, prevailing winds are brought in by double roofs present on the buildings. With this, the comfort of the people
are ensured

Local materials were designed and crafted, combined to give a feeling that is natural and pleasing to the eye. Concrete and local marine plywood were chosen as the main materials. To overcome the problem of the slope, the center was designed with a gradient in mind, allowing visitors to descend down with the existing contours. Because cut & fills were not allowed wooden stilts were used to hold the structure of the building.

3D Perspectives of the center :

Presentation Boards :

Thursday 11 December 2014

Thinking Architecture

In this module, students are required to read a segment of a novel every week. From there, a 'think sheet' is produced response to the given work. Each think sheet is a detailed description regarding the author's thoughts while reading the given work. A total of 10 think sheets were produced.

Project 2: Personal Value Statement
We are required to do a detailed analysis on one self and document thoughts in the form of a written paper. With that in mind, a pvs value statement was produced - including the author's personal background, experiences and abilities as well as architectural values.

Building Services

Project 1


Project 2 : Application of Building Services

In this project, a domestic sized building was chosen as the medium of study and application. With reference to Architecture Design Studio 2's retreat house, the application of building services was done. Skills acquired from Project 1 of Building Services were used in designing the appropriate electrical supply, cold & hot water, sewage & sanitary as well as drainage systems. Diagrams, drawings, symbols, images and other relevant information was provided to aid the understanding of the implementation of building services.

Building Structures

Project 1 : Fettuccine Truss Bridge In a group of six, a truss bridge design was produced and built from fettuccine using suitable adhesives. Several truss designs were studied in order to obtain a firm understanding regarding the mechanism of the truss bridge. In addition, precedent studies were also conducted. The final bridge was put to a test until fail. Below is the report comprising of precedent studies, truss bridge designs & tests as well as a documentation of the process of building the truss bridge.
Project 2 : Extension of an R.C Bungalow
(Report to be added)

Asian Architecture

Project 1 - Case Study (The Adaptation of Sustainable Features in Traditional Chalets of Belum Rainforrest Resort's Vernacular Architecture and how it Affects its Users)

Project 2 - Documentation Study
This project involves the study of streets in an Asian city in order to obtain a firm understanding regarding the historical and social aspects present by examination of the development of tradition, modernization and globalization of the streets. The chosen street is located in Jalan Bandar Timah, Ipoh. Multiple site visits were conducted and from there a photobook was produced based on photographs taken by the group, as well as annotations in relation to personal thoughts on how the street affected us as individuals.

Photobook :