Monday 13 July 2015

Building Science 2

Project 1 - To be edited

Project 2

Building Technology 1 (ARC 3514)

Project 1

This project requires modification of NAC (Design Studio 4). Some alterations to existing design has been made in terms of construction systems which is to be replaced with a different, more appropriate, more complex and/or more recent building technologies without affecting the designs entirely. Ultimately, the drawings are collated into a report that documents both the predecent studies and the detailed drawings of the design.

Modifications are carried out on the following building components :

  1. Floor system
  2. Wall system
  3. Roof system
  4. To include a new basement level into existing design

Project 2 - IBS

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Architectural Design Studio 5

An additional blog was created to keep track of progress throughout Semester 5. This blog is inclusive of interim reviews, changes made, precedents and the final product of the subject.

Studio 5 blog can be found here. 

Theories of Architecture and Urbanism

This synopsis attempts to interpret architecture according to established architectural theory and conditions within which architecture is done.  In a group of 4/5 students, students are to present a synopsis of the given reading during the seminar sessions. It is intended to provide each student with the opportunity to share their knowledge with the class, and to help promote student discussions

Synopsis slides can be found here

PROJECT I - Theorizing Architecture
Theorize – to think of or suggest ideas about what is possibly true or real; to form or suggest a theory about something; speculate / To propose as a theory
This project attempts to convey an understanding of architect’s architectural theory through a direct observation and analysis of his/her buildings. Using architecture as primary text, this project claims that the world of form is not arbitrary but displays an internal logic that has the capacity to convey meaning. Analytical illustrations are used extensively to reveal the conceptual and experiential order of the architecture.It will support students’ learning since doing architecture can be developed by studying the work of others.


1.Analyse architecture and urban forms in relation to relevant architectural theories

2.Analyse and critique the relationship between architecture and its social, cultural and intellectual context
3.Produce, orally and in writing, a critical interpretation of architecture and urbanism in relation to relevant theories within the contemporary discourse of architecture

Chosen Architect - Robert Venturi


Reflective Text


This project emphasises architecture is like language with vocabulary, grammatical structure; both physical and intellectual. Through certain arrangement, it carries messages and communicates meanings. Nevertheless, in order to understand architecture, one must be aware of the conditions within which they are employed. 

For this part of the project which is a continuous from the first, a particular building in Empire Damansara is selected. The building chosen is Point 92. Ideas from Robert Venturi is applied into the architecture and design of this building into realizing this building as part of the theory. 

To include:

  1. External contributing factors (min 3) 
  2. Analysis diagrams (plan, section, elevation) 
  3. To theorize architecture based on analysis of self & architecture