Thursday 19 December 2013

Architecture Design Studio 2


  Tadao Ando 

In project one entitled "Famous People, Familiar Faces" we were asked to investigate and to explore how spaces were created from the making of architectural elements: architectonics, solid, planes, lines and frames. Upon the completion of the project, we were able to achieve a better level of understanding for future works assigned, applying the ideas and concepts to our projects later on in the semester.

In spite of Mr Ando's consistent use of materials and the elements of pillar, wall and vault, his different combinations of these elements always prove exciting and dynamic. His design concepts and materials have linked international Modernism to the Japanese tradition of aesthetics. Through this project I was able to make personal connections with Tadao Ando's work - realising that most of his building's aimed to bring a personal touch of emotion when experienced. His minimalist ways & utilisation of natural light played a significant role in aiding me for future assignments. 

In a group of 5, we were given the task to study one of the famous architects (Tadao Ando) With this we were required to produce:

1. A short video presentation about the architect & one of his buildings

2. Series of a3 drawings of the building chosen

3. 5 (not more than 36cm^3 abstract models) with mixed media based on the architectural understanding about the building 

Learning Outcome:
Through this project I have learned to work independently & also in a group - dividing certain tasks equally as well as helping other groupmates out when needed. In addition, I have also learned to translate thought processes into diagrams and actual abstract forms - something that will help me through the long run of this course. 


The aim of this project is to generate form and space through architectural conceptualisation, with the emphasis on exploring the user requirement, simple spatial organisation skills and site responding to develop an architectural proposition. Students will be shown the importance of using the art of crafting and making: drawing(s) and model(s) as a critical design tool as part of the design process. In a group fo 2, we were required to produce a series of detailed drawings (1:50 scale) as well as models for our Watchtower - Luminescence.

*More detailed pictures will be added 


For this semester's final project, we were required to design a retreat house in Pantai Kerachut for our respective user. The aim of the building was to promote the usage of natural light to identify public, semi-public and private spaces. This was done through openings made on the walls (instead of the ceilings). The more private a space, the more covered its surroundings would be - allowing minimum light to enter. 

Characteristics of the user : 
  • Loves comfort & relaxation
  • Turtle lover
  • Dislikes the city - which was why he took the job as a ranger, away from the concrete jungle

The retreat house was focused on the above characteristics, this reason being because I wanted to make the retreat house a very personal experience, different for every individual. Because the building is based upon user's liking, it becomes a place where he can obtain a peace of mind. 

Learning Outcome:
Through this project, I was taught the importance of thought processes and how much of a role it played in the final product of an assignment. I also learned the importance of having a building respond to its site, as it will affect the spatial experience greatly. 

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